Breast Imaging

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1. Mammography

  • Mammography uses ionizing radiation of low voltage (28-35 Mega-volts) to evaluate the breast.
  • The technique is designed to demonstrate soft tissues of the breast (fibroglandular tissue).
  • The glandular tissue of the breasts, or breast density, shows up as white areas on a mammogram film (figure 9-1).

Pathological findings in mammography

A.     Calcifications: macro- and microcalcifications.

B.     Mass densities (opacities).

C.     Lymph nodes opacities.

D.     Distortion of breast architecture.


Benign breast lesion

Benign lesions: (solid or cystic) are usually of variable size, solitary or multiple, regular shape, smooth well-defined border and not associated with microcalcifications or distortion of breast architecture .


1. Macrocalcifications: Macrocalcifications are coarse (large) calcium deposits that are often associated with benign fibrocystic changes or with degenerative changes in the breasts, and do not usually require a biopsy

 2. Microcalcifications:

Microcalcifications are categorized to one of three groups:

1.      Typically benign, Few, discrete, has the same shape 

2.      Intermittent type, lies between benign and malignant type

3.      Highly suspicious of malignancy (figure 9-4): which has the following features:

a.       Numerous: at least five to eight in number.

b.      Clustered; aggregated in one part of the breast.

c.       Polymorphic: differing from each other in size and shape: branched or V- or Y- shaped calcifications.

q      Microcalcifications may or may not be associated with breast mass opacity.


Malignant breast lesion

Malignant tumors: are usually solitary, has irregular shape, ill-defined or speculated border, of high density and may or may not associated with microcalcifications and/or architectural distortion of the breast. 

Distortion of breast architecture

Distortion of the breast architecture may take the form of skin dimpling, retraction of the nipple and convergence of fibroglandular tissue into a mass opacity.
Distortion in breast contour can be visualized as an irregularity in the area of translucency of subcutaneous fat of the breast.

Enlarged axillary Lymph nodes

Lymph nodes opacities are usually found in clusters and have kidney- or bean-shaped appearance with central or peripheral area of translucency representing the hilum of lymph nodes